Thursday, March 27, 2008

10 Most Racist Moments in in TV (Don Imus) Media Blog 9

10 most racist moments in TV - Watch more free videos

I posted this video to show that in recent years not even more than 5 years ago all these things were said on tv and most were racist comments even though the people who said it didnt realize that at the moment they would be criticized and crucified for making those statements. Even though I think the Don Imus quotes with the "nappy headed hoes" comment he made should have been #1 and the Michael Richards statement should have definitely been included I think alot of these people saying these things were left unpunished for it. And even though Don Imus got fired he is now back on the air with a new show. Don Imus and alot of white media went on to blame Hip Hop for alot of the things that had been going on in the world and said the lyrics were to vulgar and that they disrespect women all the time. But at the same time Don Imus isnt the type you would think of to listen to rap music so how can he speak on music he doesnt even listen to. And to top it all off whore, slut or whatever you want to call it dates back way before rap music ever existed. Being a minority in america watching videos like this of different stereotypes and misconceptions of different races it disturbs be somewhat especially in this day in age but it showed me that some people will never change and that there are alot of people that are alot more hidden with their racism than they like to put on.

Like the last clip with the teacher who called the little boy in his class the N-Word which was also spoofed a bit on the show The Boondocks you can watch the episode here

The teacher is either really ignorant or just doesnt get what he is saying was wrong. But he wasnt fired and got to come back to work even after the statement that was made. He reminded me of the librarian who lived in Jena when asked about if she thought the noose and the rope signifed anything racists and she said "No". I dont think she was lying about what she thought i just think she never cared to find out just like this man with the N-Word incident.

This relates to different readings we have done in class like the Wu article, the Sarah Barnes article as well as Johnson. I see the relationship with this and the Wu article because in the article where he mostly talks about trying to fit in as an Asian American he talks about stereotypes and recalls the children on the subway or where ever he was emulating karate chops they saw in movies which can be said in the clip with Rosie O'Donnel.

Wu talks about his encounter with children who have the wrong perception of him;

" At an airport of riding a subway, boys will see me and suddenly strike a karate pose, chop at the air, throw a kick, and utter some sing song gibberish, before turning around and running away. pg 416"

Clearly all Asians dont talk like that but she made the sounds that we "Connect" with how they talk and it further more proves his point. Also relating this as well with the Sarah Barnes article she clearly made comments about affirmative action making statements about how it shouldnt exist anymore and that we have to get over what happened in the past. But, how can we when things like this continue to happen on a daily basis and on such a national level.

comment by Sarah Barnes:

"My biggest concern is that people in this country have taken their freedom too far. Yes, there was slavery many years ago and it was a horrible time, but there is no need to continue to dwell upon it."

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